ÖGB’s Digital Transformation Journey:
Modernizing Union Web Presence
The Success Story at a Glance
Usability and intuitivity are critical to the success and reach of online platforms. Extensive networks and big online platforms require systems with simple and efficient administration.
▶ A key challenge for organizations with a broad online offering such as the OEGB is to make online platforms standardized, user-friendly, and intuitive. They need content management systems (CMS) which can efficiently manage large amounts of data and be easily used by many editors.
▶ ÖGB’s solution? Relaunching their website universe on the Adobe Experience Cloud — an ambitious project they undertook in cooperation with wirecube, their experienced partner for digital transformation.
▶ The project resulted in a significant improvement in online presence and member acquisition, as well as an optimized editor workflow. Editors can now create content more flexibly and efficiently without the need for constant support from developers. This has significantly enhanced ÖGB’s ability to respond to current events and needs:

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ÖGB: ÖGB: A strong voice for 1.2 million members
Founded in 1945, the Austrian Trade Union Federation (Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund), is a non-partisan organization representing the interests of employees. With seven affiliated trade unions and approximately 1.2 million members, it is one of the largest and most influential labor organizations in Austria. As a member of the International Trade Union Confederation and the European Trade Union Confederation, the ÖGB also plays an important role at the international level.

The Challenge: Digital Transformation
In January 2020, ÖGB faced the challenge of replacing its outdated Oracle Web CMS. It was time for a fundamental digital transformation: The new system had to be technologically advanced, flexible and user-friendly, and it had to house the whole ÖGB web universe—a complex structure consisting of a large number of websites—centrally and in a consistent manner. The main challenges were:
Data migration:
An immense amount of content created over the years had to be migrated from the existing on-premises environment to a modern cloud solution.
Complex organizational structure:
ÖGB, with its various sub-unions, parliamentary groups, departments, etc., needed a system that could house this multi-layered structure and be edited by numerous editors at the same time—without compromising the unified online presence.
Usability & Resilience:
The new solution needed to be intuitive and easy to use for both editors and end users without sacrificing functionality. At the same time, the system had to be flexible enough to respond efficiently to future developments and requirements.
The Solution: Relaunch
on Adobe Experience Cloud
The wirecube team does not only offer customized CMS solutions it also specializes in implementing state-of-the-art systems. Due to the requirements and size of the ÖGB, it was decided to implement the Adobe Experience Cloud.
The project’s two main goals were to provide the editors of the ÖGB with a highly flexible editorial system and to optimize the design of the websites.
The team developed a series of components that allow editors to easily create and manage complex page structures and content. A prime example is the “page list” component, which allows interesting pages to be presented in various ways.
Another new feature is the enhanced member registration. It was specifically designed to make the registration process as easy and efficient as possible. Said process getsimproved continuously—with the help of analytics and through A/B testing of various components. The goal is to effectively encourage potential customers to register with the association. Thus, modern tools make it possible to attract new union members.

Another important aspect is making it easier to find relevant content on the websites. Optimized UX-Design ensures that users can find relevant information more quickly. A special design was developed for people with visual impairments, which can be integrated anywhere.
As part of the digital transformation, the integration of artificial intelligence is also underway: Large language models as a supporting tool for experts and means for the consistent legal education of employees. Read article ->
The Benefit
Relaunching on the Adobe Experience Cloud has transformed the way ÖGB editors work. The new platform allows them to create and manage content more flexibly and efficiently without the need for constant support from developers.
This digital transformation enables the ÖGB to respond more quickly to current events and the needs of its members.
A particular strength of the new solution is the ability to present content differently for different user groups.
For example, certain website content and areas in the CMS can be made visible only to members, officials, or works council members, enabling targeted and efficient communication.
A particular strength of the new solution is the ability to present content differently for different user groups. For example, certain website content and areas in the CMS can be made visible only to members, officials, or works council members, enabling targeted and efficient communication.
Despite the increased flexibility, the look and feel of the corporate identity remains uniform and consistent. This is especially important for an organization like the ÖGB, which has numerous websites and editors, but still needs to present a clear and professional appearance.
The relaunch of the ÖGB universe on the Adobe Experience Cloud is an example of a large organization’s successful digital transformation.

Architecture & Tech-Stack
Unlike traditional web content management systems, the AEM Cloud does not use a relational database to store content.
Instead, it relies on implementing the Java Content Repository Specification (Apache Jackrabbit), which stores data in a tree structure. This structure mirrors the structure of web pages, allowing content to be managed and used more efficiently.
The Adobe Experience Cloud uses Apache Felix as a Java container, which enables modular deployment of individual Java services. It uses Apache Jackrabbit for data storage and Apache Sling as a web application framework.
We also chose a hybrid approach of templating (HTL) and React for the front-end, allowing us to use core components and take advantage of React for dynamic front-end elements.

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