wirecube COO Stefan Kern discusses AI automation opportunities at Digitaldialog 2024

Publikum Podium Digitaldialog Artificial Intelligence AI Automation wirecube software engineering
  • Date: May 28th, 2024 – 17:00 – 20:00 Uhr
  • Admission: Free of charge
  • Language: German
Talk Stefan Kern Digitaldialog Artificial Intelligence AI Automation wirecube software engineering
*Video in German language

about wirecube

We are an agile software and design company based in Graz, specialized in UI/UX design, data-driven cloud services, Artificial Intelligence, and IT consulting.We are technology enthusiasts delivering web platforms and apps used by millions of people, including the world’s leading Scan & Go ecosystem of our spin-off shopreme. Since 2024, we also offer electronic design services with our second spin-off, wirecube Electronics.

As a full-service provider for digital solutions in the software and hardware sector, we create tailor-made solutions meeting your unique business needs. 

Have a closer look at our services and check out which projects we already realized.